EuroSOM hosts: Hrund Gunnsteinsdottir, Yale World Fellow

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IV. Chapters: Lunch talk

Thursday, November 17, 2016
11:45am – 12:45pm, Evans Hall – 2220, Yale School of Management (SOM)


EuroSOM, the European club at the Yale School of Management, invited me to be a lunch speaker at the ‘EuroSOM meets’ series. The year before they invited two Yale World Fellows, musician Slava Vakarchuk and Gemma Mortensen, Chief Global Officer of, come and speak.


[x_blockquote type=”left”]“Human nature is by its very nature intuitive, because it inevitably involves the activation of complex networks by relevant information.”[/x_blockquote]

The format was a lunch session with about 20-30 students at Yale School of Management.

I was asked to speak about my work and I decided to divide my talk into 4 sections:

  1. A short background of my career to date.
  2. Attention as a scarce resource in today’s world, followed by an short exercise on the use of attention.
  3. Intuition and when we need it most.
  4.  And finally, innovation and creativity, where I spoke briefly about the diploma programme Prisma, which I created and directed in Iceland after the bank collapse in 2008.

We had some great discussions about the topics and as always, I was inspired by their inputs and thoughts on the topics.

[x_blockquote type=”left”]“Mental agility is best promoted by equally valuing intuition and analysis — along with attention to detail and the big picture.”[/x_blockquote]


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