Alternative Career Paths: Roundtable

[cs_content][cs_section parallax=”false” style=”margin: 0px;padding: 25px 0px 10px;”][cs_row inner_container=”false” marginless_columns=”false” style=”margin: 0px auto;padding: 0px;”][cs_column fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”2/3″ style=”padding: 0px;”][cs_text]Thursday 3. November 5.30-7pm Davenport College, Yale University.

Do you feel that there is one clear and socially reputable way to be considered ‘successful’ in a certain field? Not sure if a career path you are interested in even exists? Confused about how to best put your skills to use?

Come hear from three Yale Greenberg World Fellows who have had unconventional yet impactful career paths ranging from human rights to filmmaking, post-war reconstruction to innovation, from digital media to politics. 
Hrund Gunnsteinsdottir, Joshin Raghubar & Daniel Ziv will be discussing how they have navigated, transitioned from and decided on career paths in their lives.


Hrund Gunnsteinsdottir is an Icelandic consultant, filmmaker, entrepreneur and a writer. She is the chair of the board of the Icelandic Technology Development Fund, which supports innovation. She is the co-director and author of the documentary InnSæi – the Sea Within (2016), which explores the art of flourishing, leading and innovating in an age of distraction and transformation. Following the bank collapse in Iceland, she designed and directed an innovative, cross-disciplinary university program, which was recognized by the Nordic Council for responding efficiently to the needs of today’s labor market. As a consultant, Hrund has worked for the UN, specifically on gender and post-conflict reconstruction. Hrund was the program manager for UNIFEM in Kosovo and a statistician at the UNECE. Previous creative writing work includes short films, a three-dimensional book of poetry and a play that premiered at Reykjavik’s Art Festival. Hrund has served on various boards related to the arts, education and human rights. She was named a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader in 2011. Hrund holds a BSc from the University of Iceland, an MSc from the London School of Economics.

Joshin Raghubar is an African entrepreneur in the media, marketing, and technology sectors. He is engaged in the evolving role of entrepreneurship, trust and innovation in the ‘good society’. He is the founder of iKineo, a Pan-African customer engagement agency; Sprout, South Africa’s leading digital media performance firm; and Explore Sideways, a leading online purveyor of wine tourism experiences. Joshin serves as the chairperson of the Bandwidth Barn, Africa’s largest non-profit incubator and accelerator for technology businesses; non-executive director of the Cape Innovation & Technology Initiative (CITi), the public/private sector agency tasked with development of the region as a technology and innovation cluster; and non-executive director of Enke, a non-profit organization that works to empower youth to develop social innovations in their communities. Joshin also serves as a non-executive director of both the Africa Leadership Initiative (Southern Africa) and the African Leadership Network. He is a fellow of the Africa Leadership Initiative and the Aspen Institute’s Global Leaders Network, a fellow of the United States-Southern African Centre for Leadership and Public Values, and a member of the Bertelsmann Foundation’s global Transformation Thinkers program. Joshin has a business science (honors) degree from the University of Cape Town, and a masters in development studies from the University of the Western Cape’s Institute for Social Development.

Daniel Ziv is a documentary filmmaker, author and social justice advocate based in Indonesia. A native of Canada, he moved to Jakarta in 1999 and has since been documenting society in the country’s bustling capital. His 2014 feature-length film “Jalanan” is a gritty portrait of Indonesia through the life stories of three marginalized Jakarta street musicians. It became the first Indonesian documentary in history to be released in commercial cinemas across the country; was adopted by Jakarta’s governor as a tool for social policy change; and has traveled to 60 international film festivals and won 12 awards. Daniel founded and edited the popular, irreverent Djakarta! magazine and authored the urban pop culture bestseller Jakarta Inside Out, and Bangkok Inside Out, which was banned by the Thai government. Global PR firm Burson-Marsteller named Daniel one of Indonesia’s 10 most influential political voices on Twitter. A regular speaker at the annual Ubud Writers Festival, Daniel is a founding member of Hubud: Bali’s first co-working space, and curator at TEDxUbud. He has worked for international humanitarian aid agencies including UNICEF and USAID, and holds an MA in Southeast Asian Studies from The School of Oriental & African Studies (SOAS), University of London. Daniel is currently producing the investigative documentary Hijab Nation – an immersive journey into an Indonesia caught between secular democratic values and rising political and cultural Islam.

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