Im Einklang mit unserem InnSæi

Im Einklang mit unserem InnSæi Originally published on Zeit Online. Die Weltlage ist übel. Aber was hilft? Ein Blick nach Island! Dort sind die Menschen fröhlich, trotz langer Winter, kurzer Tage, Erdbeben und Vulkanausbrüchen. Click to Read
Hrund Gunnsteinsdóttir on InnSæi and the Icelandic Art of Living Aligned with our Intuition

Originally published on Inspirators. InnSæi The sea within. To see within. To see from the inside out. The Icelandic word for “intuition”. The way you accompany yourself through life, knowing what your compass is and navigating like the Polynesian way finders by relying on the stars. Hrund Gunnsteinsdóttir believes we all have this amazing power to […]
ILC Ideas | Hrund Gunnsteinsdóttir
Originally published on Yale: Jackson School of Global Affairs In January 2024, the ILC sat down with 2016 Yale World Fellow Hrund Gunnsteinsdóttir, an Icelandic author, advisor, and speaker, to discuss her new book, “InnSæi: Heal, revive and reset with the Icelandic art of intuition,” available in the United Kingdom in March 2024. Hrund shared […]
Hrund Gunnsteinsdóttir: Life is about Extending Borders
Originally published on Tezign Hrund Gunnsteinsdottir is an Icelandic consultant, filmmaker, entrepreneur and a writer. She is the chair of the board of the Icelandic Technology Development Fund, which supports innovation and also the co-director and script writer of the documentary InnSæi — the Sea Within (2016). As a consultant, Hrund has worked for the UN, specifically […]