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On 28. September we screened InnSæi at Burke Hall at Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies.
On October 12, InnSæi was screened at Luce Hall on 12. October.
InnSæi – the Power of Intuition is a new feature documentary film by Hrund Gunnsteinsdottir and Kristin Olafsdottir, which explores the art of thriving, leading and innovating in an age of distraction and transformation. By conversing with world leading thinkers, scientists and artists, the film explores to what extent our ability to connect within defines our capacity to be resilient and creative in a turbulent world.
The ancient Icelandic word for intuition is “innsæi,” which literally translates as “the sea within”—the borderless nature of our inner world; a constantly moving world of vision, feelings, and imagination beyond words. The film is co-directed by Kristin Olafsdottir and produced by Klikk Productions and Met Film.
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