InnSæi – World Premiere in Berlin, Germany

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We world premiered InnSæi – the Sea within at FilmKunst66 in Berlin on 29. June 2016, in collaboration with Mindjazz and the Icelandic Embassy in Berlin, – special thanks to Auður Edda Jökulsdóttir. The Icelandic Ambassador Gunnar Snorri Gunnarson made remarks at the beginning of the premiere and after the screening, me and Kristin were joined by Alexandra Cousteau, A National Geographic Emerging Explorer and filmmaker and Tim Renner, one of the secretaries of the city of Berlin for cultural affairs, music producer, journalist and author, in a panel moderated by Lisa Witter.


AR-160639858A group of friends from around the world came to join us for the premiere, as did the editor of the film, Sotira Kyriacou, Högni Egilsson who sings and composed the InnSæi’s feature song which you can listen to here, and Úlfur Eldjárn composer of the beautiful InnSæi music score, which has since been rewarded. The InnSæi – the Sea within album, by Úlfur Eldjárn, is on Spotify.

[x_blockquote type=”left”]Kulturzeit on 3Sat reported about the film the night before, and InnSæi was profiled in the German TV station ARD’s ttt – titel thesen temperamente in a 10 minutes report[/x_blockquote]

ttt interview hrundKulturzeit on 3Sat reported about the film the night before, and InnSæi was profiled in the German TV station ARD’s ttt – titel thesen temperamente in a 10 minutes report on the film and interview with me, taken in Iceland as well as the renowned German psychologist and author on intuition, Gerd Gigerenzer. gave InnSæi 4 stars out of 5. The Icelandic media also covered the premiere and we did a few interviews, here, here, here and here is some of the media coverage.

Kristin Olafsdottir, Co-director and producer of InnSæi, and the founder and CEO of Klikk Production, announced that InnSæi had received world distribution with JavaFilms and Zeitgeist.

The film was shown in 30 cinemas across Germany.

Pictures from the world premiere, by María Guðrún Rúnarsdóttir.

[x_blockquote type=”left”]InnSæi had received world distribution with JavaFilms and Zeitgeist.[/x_blockquote]

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