I am excited to share with you that my TED Talk is out!
I would be so grateful if you would watch and share with your networks!
As you know, I am on a mission to explore and keep us connected to the beautiful, magnificent but often neglected world within us, because it is only from there, I believe, that we are able to make meaningful connections, come up with valuable insights and ideas the world so desperately needs.

Photo to the right: Johan Rockström who had to leave earlier.
In my talk, I explore the power of intuition in today’s world through the lens of ‘InnSæi’, the Icelandic concept for intuition, and how it enables us to ‘tune in’, see the big picture, find joy, lead with impact and successfully navigate uncertainty towards new horizons.
I would be super grateful if you would share it with your networks and help us spread the wisdom found in the Icelandic concept of InnSæi, and what it can teach us about the newest science and ancient wisdom when it comes to how fundamental intuition is to our intelligence, better decisions, and well-being.
No matter where you are on the political spectrum, this week’s been tense and tough. It contains much of what characterises the times we live in and people around the world are experiencing: uncertainty, fear, insecurities, love, hate, lack of direction, greed, generosity, existential and multiple crisis.
The final words of my TED Talk might ring true for some of you:
“As we navigate towards new horizons, we need our vivid imagination to set sails towards the possible.
Grounded in InnSæi’s understanding of planetary and human interconnectedness, imagination can guide us towards the future we dream of. It helps us see in our minds, what we intuit to be possible.
Because if we can’t imagine better futures, how on Earth are we going to get there?”
I was honoured to share the stage with a brilliant group of people who are all having an important impact on the world.
I highly recommend you check out Manoush Zomorodi’s TED Radio Hour, and the TED Talks of Johan Rockström, Nathaniel Stinnet, Gaya Herrington, Akshat Rathi, Debbie Chachra and listen to the beautiful music by Courtney Marie Andrews, who performed at the event.
With love and respect,