Project 7 – what if the finance sector became a force for sustainability?

Artistic Director and Co-Founder, 2012

Imagine what the world could be like in 7 generations from now, if the finance sector became a force for sustainability? 

What is the tipping point for such a change? 

And how can we ignite it?

Project 7 aimed to invite 9 young artists and creative thinkers in the Nordic countries, to work together in 4 workshops, in 4 countries over the course of 1 year, with the aim to set up an exhibition in Sweden, – a kind of a universe displaying the world they envisioned in 7 generations from now.  Seven generation stewardship is a concept originating from the Iroquois Indians and urges the current generation of humans to live and work for the benefit of the 7th generation into the future.

The young artists would be challenged and mentored by scientists, thinkers, artists, scholars and future foresight experts to build a strong research base for a powerfully, imaginative future dream.

After setting up the exhibition, in an old nuclear factory in the outskirts of Stockholm, Project 7 and its extensive network would invite policy makers and decision-makers at local and global levels to discuss their future vision in the hope to find ways to get, – at least close enough, to their future vision. Today’s democracy is locked in a 4-year election cycle, which is stopping us from thinking long-term. Project 7 wanted to harness long-term thinking that children and adults could relate to and make their own.

Project 7 wanted to provide people with a unique opportunity to dream new dreams for the 21st century, by creating the universe of our dreams. By experiencing this universe and allowing it to infiltrate our senses and brains, we are more likely to embody its vision and turn it into reality in the future.

Among Project 7 Advisors were Hans Ulrich Obrist, Director of Serpentine Gallery, UK, Olafur Eliasson artist, Mette-Marit Crown Princess of Norway, Gemma Mortensen, CEO of Crisis Action and Yana Peel, Founder of Intelligence Squared.

In an extensive public outreach and strategic multi-stakeholder engagement, including the production of TV series, Project 7’s goal was to create a dialogue and action that would inspire people to envision what the future could be like and how we could get there.

Project 7 was founded in 2012 by Hrund Gunnsteinsdottir and Sasja Beslik, the then CEO at Nordea Investment bank and now author of ESG on a Sunday. Project 7 did not raise enough funds to run the programme in its full version and we decided to leave it at that. However, it has continued to inspire the people behind it and the idea to harness people’s dreams to create long-term visions for flourishing futures.

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