Promoting Peace with the Power of Media

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An open panel discussion, in collaboration with Reykjavik International Film Festival, on the opening seminar of HÖFÐI Reykjavík Peace Centre in the Ceremonial Hall of the University of Iceland at 13:00 on 7 October 2016.

The panelists and audience will engage in a dialogue on the power of the visual narrative in affecting opinion and igniting action in today´s world. Panelists include well renowned film director Darren Aronofsky, Syrian documentarist Obaidah Zytoon, and the directors of InnSæi – the Sea within, Kristín Ólafsdóttir and Hrund Gunnsteinsdóttir.

Amongst Aronofsky’s films are the critically acclaimed movie Black Swan, Requiem for a Dream, The Wrestler and Noah.

Obaidah Zytoon is a Syrian radio host who got caught up in the euphoria of the 2011 Arab Spring. She documented the experiences of herself and her friends and shaped them into the personal narrative, The War Show. The film stands out from other films on Syria in its focus on what the revolution meant to everyday people, rather than dwelling on scenes of bloodshed and disaster.

Opening remarks and moderation: Björn Þór Vilhjálmsson, Lecturer, University of Iceland

Ef þú vilt draga fram heila línu af útdregnum texta þá er það svona:
[x_blockquote type=”left”]”#Powerful storytelling can move us to action.”[/x_blockquote]

The day before, 6 October, we will premiere our film InnSæi – the Sea within at Háskólabíó in Reykjavik. The panel will be a wonderful opportunity for me to link together my work in peace building with the United Nations and the world of films and the media.

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