Intuition and AI

Three keys, a quote and an invitation One Artificial intelligence (AI) is often misunderstood, overhyped, underestimated or overestimated and there‘s no wonder because things are moving pretty fast. While AI could lead to our greatest future achievements, it could also reshape societies in ways that causes suffering and undermines human agency. If AI is […]
Intuition and Management

Three keys, a quote and an invitation One Many of you wonder how intuition and data can work together for management decision-making in today’s uncertain markets. This question’s come up a lot lately. If this is a challenge you’ve been dealing with, know that you are not alone. For ‘known knowns’, data and analysis […]
Hrund Gunnsteinsdottir – InnSaei – The Flow of Intuition

The Eddy Network Podcast Episode 145 Intuition is an underappreciated form of knowledge. I first became acquainted with this way of seeing the world through Michael Polanyi. Forty years later, I am more convinced that it is the essential form of knowledge for managing change in a rapidly changing world. Hrund Gunnsteinsdottir shares this appreciation […]