InnSæi paperback is out!

Bonnier books UK’s global launch + an updated website I am thrilled to share that InnSæi paperback is now out! My publisher Bonnier books UK and Lagom is launching it globally this month, which means it is simultaneously out the UK, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, but as you know, this means the book is available […]

Should You Trust Your Intuition? Discover InnSæi

In This Episode In this episode, I’m joined by Hrund Gunnsteinsdóttir, an Icelandic thought leader, author, and filmmaker whose groundbreaking work explores intuition, resilience, and innovation. Hrund is the author of InnSæi: Icelandic Wisdom for Turbulent Times and the co-director of InnSæi: The Power of Intuition, a documentary that has inspired viewers worldwide. Hrund’s career […]

Unlocking Intuition: The Science, the Spirit, and the Hidden Power Within Us All

How does connecting with the real world connect us to our unconscious mind? Why is learning to harness our intuition considered one of the greatest superpowers at our disposal? And in what way is intuition both scientifically proven and deeply spiritual? Today, we’re exploring the hidden power of intuition—a concept often regarded as mysterious or […]

On transforming lives

“We could do anything today, the possibilities out there are endless, and because of that I think it is now time to look within and see what it is we are actually putting into that ability. Because the things we put into technology, engineering and science is what matters. It really doesn’t matter any more […]

Exploring the innovative and regenerative power of InnSæi – intuition

Inspiring consultants and leaders to shift mindsets and connect within “Most of what we are noticing and picking up with our whole body and whole system are unconscious to us. Intuition is our channel into our unconsciousness and this is why I think being connected to, getting acquainted with, celebrating, getting to know our intuition […]

Is your baseline pro-peace?

How we immerse ourselves in the world, shapes how we show up and navigate it. This week I had the privilege to spend time and work with Dr. Rebekah Granger-Ellis, whom I interview in my book about InnSæi and intuition. I first got to know her when I attended the IMAGINE Leadership Experience at Oxford University a couple of […]

Pay attention and see within

Pay attention to what you pay attention to and document it. This sounds simple, but trust me, it’s one of the most profound ways to mentally bring you home to yourself and start to align with your inner compass, InnSæi and intuition. InnSæi is the Icelandic word for intuition, and in my work (with many […]

Hrund Gunnsteinsdottir – InnSaei – The Flow of Intuition

The Eddy Network Podcast Episode 145 Intuition is an underappreciated form of knowledge. I first became acquainted with this way of seeing the world through Michael Polanyi. Forty years later, I am more convinced that it is the essential form of knowledge for managing change in a rapidly changing world. Hrund Gunnsteinsdottir shares this appreciation […]

How we re-connect with the ‘real world’

Hi there, My recent work around Europe and South America has brought out the important point that intuition is solid, and connects us to the real, animate, living world. Here’s how. Intuition is embodied   Our whole body is picking up information and data points that inform our perceptions, thoughts, actions, and sense of who […]

A revolution in how we think

How we think about ourselves and the world Hi there, My title this time is inspired by a recent lecture Dr. Iain McGilchrist gave in the Darwin lecture series at Cambridge university. In it, Iain argues that the term ‘metacrisis’ is used to describe the various global crisis we are faced with, such as environmental, social, political, […]

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Grow your intuition through the lens of InnSæi. Find insights, inspiration & tips on intuition that you won’t read anywhere else.