Pay attention and see within
Pay attention to what you pay attention to and document it. This sounds simple, but trust me, it’s one of the most profound ways to mentally bring you home to yourself and start to align with your inner compass, InnSæi and intuition. InnSæi is the Icelandic word for intuition, and in my work (with many […]
Hrund Gunnsteinsdottir – InnSaei – The Flow of Intuition
The Eddy Network Podcast Episode 145 Intuition is an underappreciated form of knowledge. I first became acquainted with this way of seeing the world through Michael Polanyi. Forty years later, I am more convinced that it is the essential form of knowledge for managing change in a rapidly changing world. Hrund Gunnsteinsdottir shares this appreciation […]
How we re-connect with the ‘real world’
Hi there, My recent work around Europe and South America has brought out the important point that intuition is solid, and connects us to the real, animate, living world. Here’s how. Intuition is embodied Our whole body is picking up information and data points that inform our perceptions, thoughts, actions, and sense of who […]
A revolution in how we think
How we think about ourselves and the world Hi there, My title this time is inspired by a recent lecture Dr. Iain McGilchrist gave in the Darwin lecture series at Cambridge university. In it, Iain argues that the term ‘metacrisis’ is used to describe the various global crisis we are faced with, such as environmental, social, political, […]
My book on InnSæi is out!
Help me spread the word… Hi there, I am super happy to share with you that my book, InnSæi: heal, revive and reset with the Icelandic art of intuition (Lagom, Bonnier books UK) is out this week! InnSæi and intuition has been a part of my personal and professional journey for over 20 years (more here and here). I have been […]
Standing on solid ground
The inner compass Hi there, Those of you who’ve been reading my newsletter will have read how much of our intelligence is unconscious. – Which makes it no less real or important, quite the contrary. Up to 99% of all the information we pick up, during every second of every day, gets stored in our […]
You’re a star!
Hi there, Sometimes, when life tries us to the fullest, or we’re simply having a crap day, it’s good to look up in the sky above us, at the starry night sky and remind ourselves that we are just a grain of sand in the universe and everything will be okay. That in the […]
Notice the possible in you
Hi there, I’ve been thinking a lot about changes and new beginnings. How they happen, why they happen and what they do for us. It happens in life that we feel stuck and stagnated. It may feel as if we are delaying or postponing something, – sometimes ourselves. It’s a draining process, really. Especially if […]
Intuition: ‘A rep to protect’
Embrace and harness the wisdom embedded in you Hi there, I was recently asked if I am not worried about encouraging people to follow their InnSæi, Icelandic for intuition, since “intuition often drives bad decisions and unfounded judgements”. The person took example of leaders who do that and mentioned Donald Trump and Jair Bolsonaro, the […]