Intuition and AI

Three keys, a quote and an invitation One Artificial intelligence (AI) is often misunderstood, overhyped, underestimated or overestimated and there‘s no wonder because things are moving pretty fast. While AI could lead to our greatest future achievements, it could also reshape societies in ways that causes suffering and undermines human agency. If AI is […]
Intuition and Management

Three keys, a quote and an invitation One Many of you wonder how intuition and data can work together for management decision-making in today’s uncertain markets. This question’s come up a lot lately. If this is a challenge you’ve been dealing with, know that you are not alone. For ‘known knowns’, data and analysis […]
Intuition and Hope

Three keys, a quote and an invitation One Most of us want to feel more hopeful, seen and more secure. Gallup’s latest and comprehensive Global Leadership Report: What Followers Want reveals that followers prioritize hope, trust, compassion and stability from their leaders, and these needs are consistent across 52 countries and demographics and builds on decades […]
Intuition and Attention

Three facts, a quote and a question One Intuition develops over time. You reading this, means you are consciously allowing this information into your system, no matter what you choose to do with it. On a bigger scale, how you ‘immerse’ yourself in the world, throughout the day, both consciously and unconsciously, informs your senses, […]
InnSæi paperback is out!
Bonnier books UK’s global launch + an updated website I am thrilled to share that InnSæi paperback is now out! My publisher Bonnier books UK and Lagom is launching it globally this month, which means it is simultaneously out the UK, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, but as you know, this means the book is available […]
Navigating uncertainty
I could not think of a better way to start this year than to have the honour of being a guest on NPR’s TED Radio Hour entitled: Navigating Uncertainty 🌊 🌟 In unpredictable times, how can we stay calm, grounded, and on course? Here’s the link to my 11 minutes segment, where we delve into intuition and InnSæi, our […]
Einstein, the 2022 Nobel prize and intuition

Unconventional thinking leads to Nobel-winning discoveries My recent TED Talk is about intuition, how fundamental intuition is to our intelligence, that we need good intuition to reason well, and that without intuition there wouldn’t be much innovation. In my talk, I refer to a study that showed that intuition was key in big discoveries of Nobel laureates, as shifting […]
My TED Talk is out!
I am excited to share with you that my TED Talk is out! Click to see I would be so grateful if you would watch and share with your networks! As you know, I am on a mission to explore and keep us connected to the beautiful, magnificent but often neglected world within us, because […]
Intuition and threats to global stability

Three reasons why it’s important for leaders to have a well honed intuition If you’ve been reading my newsletter, you will know this by now, that I am on a mission to explore and keep us connected to the beautiful, magnificent but often neglected world within us. Because it is only from there, I believe, […]
On transforming lives
“We could do anything today, the possibilities out there are endless, and because of that I think it is now time to look within and see what it is we are actually putting into that ability. Because the things we put into technology, engineering and science is what matters. It really doesn’t matter any more […]