Hrund Gunnsteinsdottir – InnSaei – The Flow of Intuition

The Eddy Network Podcast Episode 145 Intuition is an underappreciated form of knowledge. I first became acquainted with this way of seeing the world through Michael Polanyi. Forty years later, I am more convinced that it is the essential form of knowledge for managing change in a rapidly changing world. Hrund Gunnsteinsdottir shares this appreciation […]

Nature Positive Podcast: Hrund Gunnsteinsdottir on reframing and rethinking systems

In the Nature Positive Podcast, the team at Svarmi brings in sustainability experts to learn about the intersection of business, nature and climate and how organisations around the world are preparing to move towards a nature positive and net zero economy. In this episode, we speak with Hrund Gunnsteinsdóttir, author, speaker and former Leader of […]

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