
Guided coaching and retreats

Collection of media articles 2008-2023 on

Nature Positive Podcast: Hrund Gunnsteinsdottir on reframing and rethinking systems

Interview Inspirators Series with Hrund Gunnsteinsdóttir on InnSæi and the Art of Living Aligned with our Intuition

Leading from Being - podcast with Marti Spiegelman and Todd Hoskins

Leading from Being – Episode 28: Climate Consciousness with Hrund Gunnsteinsdóttir

InnSæi – New Constellations audio

An Interview by Tezign in Mandarin

An Interview by 特赞Tezign in Medium

David Bowie, færnibilið og menntun

Speaker at the Spirit of Humanity Forum

The Greatest Weapon of Storytellers is not just some “pink and fluffy feeling”

Guest Speaker StGIS Inspirational Speaker Series

InnSæi in Zug, Switzerland

InnSæi at the Scharlatan Theater für Veränderung

InnSæi – the Sea within on Netflix