InnSæi – the Sea within (The Power of Intuition)

A feature documentary by Hrund Gunnsteinsdóttir and Kristin Ólafsdóttir (2016) A story of soul searching, science, nature, and creativity, “InnSæi” takes us on a global journey to uncover the art of connecting within in today’s world of distraction and stress. Innsæi – The Power of Intuition offers radical insights on how to re-think how we […]

Project 7 – what if the finance sector became a force for sustainability?

Artistic Director and Co-Founder, 2012 Imagine what the world could be like in 7 generations from now, if the finance sector became a force for sustainability?  What is the tipping point for such a change?  And how can we ignite it? Project 7 aimed to invite 9 young artists and creative thinkers in the Nordic countries, to […]

Hverra mamma ert þú?

Poet & concept developer Hverra mamma ert þú? is a three dimensional book of poetry co-created by an architect, Hildigunnur Sverrisdottir and a visual artist, Soffia Guðrun Kr. Johannsdottir. Hverra mamma ert þú? explores the world beyond words and the subconscious relationship human beings have to Mother Earth. The book received a grant from Hlaðvarpinn […]